Mitigating Antimalarial Resistance Consortium in South-East Africa
Photo: Arne Hoel / World Bank
The MARC SE-Africa consortium aims to better define the extent of antimalarial resistance in SE-Africa and to expedite the sharing of such evidence with National Malaria Programmes and their implementation partners.
Our goal is to protect the efficacy of current first-line malaria treatments, which can help prevent thousands of additional malaria deaths annually.
Are you worried about antimalarial drug resistance?
We are here to help you tackle drug-resistant malaria in our region. Our team is working on:
Network, Landscape and Gap Analysis
Objectives: Find the gaps
Addressing Key Evidence Gaps
Objectives: Fill the gaps
Detailed Action Plan to Respond to Antimalarial Resistance
Objectives: Plan the way forward
Implementation into Policy and Practice
Objectives: Make it all happen (and check if it works)
Project Management, Communication and Dissemination
Objectives: Support the consortium, explain the project, make its results widely known
We can provide technical support to your country.
We can help with:
developing a costed regional action plan to respond promptly to emerging antimalarial drug resistance
updating and disseminating malaria treatment guidelines
ensuring you are part of the fight against antimalarial drug resistance
If you are interested in working with us, get in touch.
Prof Karen I Barnes
University of Cape Town (UCT) Collaborating Centre for Optimising Antimalarial Therapy (CCOAT)
Email: marcseafrica@uct.ac.za